The Soundtrack of Your Life (No Refrences to Dick Clark)

Today, while engrossed in brainless work, I had a marvelous and intriguing thought. What if you could have the songs you most enjoy played during the crucial, life-altering turns that will make up your life? Would this in any way affect the decisions that you would make during that pinnacle moment? Imagine your 16 and you boost the family ride for a "space cruise" with the gang; and "Born to Be Wild" comes into mind like stero 5.1 or perhaps "Perfect Crime" starts blaring through your eardrums.
Could the sound of that music possibly change your decision or merely reinforce? Enough of that tangent...Let's say you could make the movie of your life, what songs are immediately entered in. I'll go for top ten songs that would have to make an appearance no matter what.
I'd be interested in knowing other people's top ten as well.
My Top Ten: The Soundtrack of my Life
Fuel-- "Shimmer"
Bad Company-- "Bad Company"
Peter Gabriel-- "Salisbury Hill"
Grateful Dead-- "U.S. Blues"
Rusted Root-- "Send Me on My Way"
Weezer-- "Undone" (The Sweater Song)
Black Crowes-- "Remedy"
Korn-- "Blind"
Bob Dylan-- "Subterranean Homesick Blues"
Phish-- "Bathtub Gin"
That's hilarious, I was, no lie, actually just thinking about that. What would the soundtrack be to my life? And, seriously, that you have Subterrianian Homesick Blues, I love you. I begged for that song to be played all day. "20 years of schoolin' and they put on the day shift". YES! That says so much more than most people think it says. (power, class, name it)
Anyway, the picture of Dick Clark is drop-dead funny. I almost fell to the floor laughing. Like some giant puppet. It's great. You always seems to find that weird, subtle, comedic wavelength I sit on. Damn, I can't even think about it without breaking out in smiles. Funny. (She doesn't look drewish)
Also, change your links. If you need help, call me and I'll help you change them out to places you actually want to link out to. Talk to you soon,
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