A Crappy Day

Ever wonder, "why the hell did I get up today?" If so, you my friend are among millions who think that very same thought each and every day. Congratulations! The planet, karma, bad choices, bad people, coincendences, whatever it is that you blame. Just know that more are coming.
The Crappy Day is a fixture in our society that will never disappear because somehow, someway it will find you and hunt you down like the dog you are. You cannot stop it and it will not be preventable. Moons and stars will align so that a cosmic death ray scorches your ass just when you needed it to least do so. And as you finally rest your head on that miserable day and are content; you sleep restlessly knowing that the aftershocks of the ginormous fart that landed on you today will be felt for the next few proceding days to come. Wonderful! Yet me and my discouraged people, we'll strive everyday to make sure that it never happens again. But take solace in the reality that there are magnificently beautiful moments that are forever burned in the mind.
So to the Crappy Day I say, Fuck You. I acknowledge your presence then dismiss you like a serf caught stealing livestock. I focus on the joys of my life, taking comfort that no matter how shitty of a day I have it can never take away my most excellent. My loving soon to be wife, god bless her, is what I use to hold on to. I recommend that everyone find a piece of goodness in their life.
Finally, say a prayer for the good days and hold on during the bad ones. It truly is a rocky road my fellow contestants. In today's race a dropped a couple positions, but I'm not out. I still can run baby, and I'm going for gold.
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