Inspiration at 3 am

Can't sleep. Don't know if I want to go back to sleep. I find it very irritating that the world is not open at this time. I want to go out and fix the woes that ail this miserable planet tonight. Yet I am shackled by physics and reality, knowing the world will grow ever worse and more depraved. Its not fair that I cannot do more right now than type this menial blog at 3am, while still so much ails me. The mind spews forth answers and variables like a pinball machine ricochets, flippers trying valiantly to fling the ball that is headed straight down the middle, only to watch in disbelief as the ball goes down the drain. Misguided intuitions and clouded judgments.
What can be done? When the world seems all too much at this time and lurid dreams escape meaning, how do I continue? My brain seems to have absorbed like a sea sponge and an infant is squeezing the information slowly. Bright colors and muddled lines like impressionistic painting fill in the blanks to problems I don't have the answers for; all flair and no real solutions, quantum physics of a life feeling half lead. Drive on then and continue a loom of fabric only as big as my life while attempting to make that fabric join together with the rest of the world. Impossible, the scope is too big and broad for amateurs like myself to crack the rubic's cube that is life.
Feelings of despair wash over when the realization sets in that I still have 60yrs to go and I'm still running to catch up.
"Take a breather, sit back and relax" says my Brain.
"Are you f****** kidding me?!" replies the Soul. "There is so much at stake now and bar rises ever higher."
I feel like the Catholic Church trying to cope that it still exists in the 21st century, horribly outdated and yet clinging on for dear life. Trying to pretend that they are not as transparent as they really are. Continuing to spout the same answers that worked... Until now.
Hope and strength are stones that I cling to, attempting to ford a flash flooded river barreling out of control. Yet I feel the erosion... The water becomes sulfuric acid washing them away before my eyes. I slip and fall under wondering where exactly it all went wrong.
"What the hell happened!" screams Soul
"................" Replies Brain.
So what now?
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