The Mind Races Within

New Spins on Old Crap, Obtuse and innacurate thesises, mental sponging, and mindless dribble can all be found here. But not always.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Phallic Haiku

I have only one
You make bathtime much more fun
I am fond of you.

(Bert and Ernie Tribute)


At 25/2/06 15:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dearest bert,
spewer of brains trivial fecal matter and much esteemed friend, whom i will soon be losing to the greater cause of virtue and family life--to you i say bah. I agree with your thesis and all, but you sound very much the nhilist in the beginning of your spewage. You should note that the people in power don't have souls, and are ususally comfortable with stepping on their insect like mothers if it helps them get what they want. As far as your whole Ghandi, MLK thinking. I've actually wrote a poem on this exact topic, and opposed two sides to each other. The powerful and unsensitive, to the caring and impactful. People included for my martyrdom were ghandi, mlk, jesus, john lennon, and one other person i can't think of right now. Anyway dearest friend and confidon, I wish you the best of luck with the wedding, and wish I could be there. Also, i'm going to need your new adress.
they call me slick shnick the ruler


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