The Mind Races Within

New Spins on Old Crap, Obtuse and innacurate thesises, mental sponging, and mindless dribble can all be found here. But not always.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

High Comedy

By now the people who read this blog know that I pretty much just vent the brain here, and in the process, attempt to make the reader think about what has been written. Well today's subscription will not be too far off course. The subject of which comedy "rat pack" was/is the best of all-time. There are three "packs" in this Mexican style shootout. May the best men win.

  1. The OG Squad: Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Sammy Jr., Frank Sinatra,
  2. The 80's Squad: Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis, Chevy Chase
  3. The New Squad: Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell

This shootout will have different aspects upon which squads will be judged, the events/criteria used will be:

  • Actual Humor- Are they really that funny?
  • Diversity of Talent- Is it a one trick show?
  • Staying Power- This event will obviously be curved in order to prevent unfair advantage
  • Chemistry- Who is the best total unit?

the scores and explanations coming soon.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Posters That Say it All

Friday, February 24, 2006

Phallic Haiku

I have only one
You make bathtime much more fun
I am fond of you.

(Bert and Ernie Tribute)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mentally Cascading into Nowhere

Due to recent debates I've had in my life, along with readings, articles, statistics I've come across; I have realized there is no Absolute Truth to anything. Merely different wavelengths of the truth, call them variations, p.o.v's whatever you want. Scientifically speaking, the mere observation of a subject changes that subject's reaction to the events happening to it. Crazy? Maybe, but that is debatable for another time. So far things stated here aren't anything new or transcending, so why speak about it? Glad you asked.

More mental digression will be present in this obtuse and inaccurate thesis that I will unveil. For no one has experienced the same life I have, even people witnessing the same events as me remember it differently. Human Nature refuses to bend to another's will whether that be nature or another living organism. This I feel is the cornerstone to every single achievement and horror to have been unleashed on this world. Even in true "democracy" where every person counts and matters, a person must insert their viewpoint and debate it. Why let other people decide your fate? That is a question no one has a good answer to and the realization that there is no good answer means your brain is sinking into its basest components. For some nice circular logic how about this: we believe what we believe because it's what we believe. Sounds ridiculous but this is the logical argument 90% of people use to argue their belief whatever it may be.

Can we break this base thinking and expound our mental capacities to think in broader scopes? I truly believe that we cannot, bleak as it is, without a evolutionary spark to change homo sapiens there will not be an end. Even this may not be the answer, if every human looked the exact same in every way and maintained the same beliefs has every other single human we would still find a difference. Example, I live on the east bank of a river, you live on the west bank therefore you are different and I will kill you if I must. All the logical reasoning powers that humans posses have still not allowed for anyone to overcome the animal that lies within. In fact the people that embrace and accept this animal in us that overrides logical thought (be it in certain contexts) are people in power and very successful.

Altruism and Idealism are luxuries of the powerful and the bait used to make people without power to believe that they matter. For the real luxury of true power is the ability to relinquish power without loss to your own and recoup it at moment's notice. Disagree? Good. You may say, what about leaders who have proven that people can overcome...My question is where are they now? Gandhi was assassinated, so was MLK, Joan of Arc burned at the stake. Eventually all of them become pages in history and the people in power redouble efforts and with the modernization that has taken place in the last 50 yrs there can no longer be such a force to develop, at least not in the USA.

So reach in deep and pull on the tail of your inner animal. Get mean and dirty, feel the raw power surge through your veins as the ancestry of a thousand years and brutality are summoned up to propel you to the top of the food chain. "Buy the ticket...Take the ride".

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Inspiration at 3 am

Can't sleep. Don't know if I want to go back to sleep. I find it very irritating that the world is not open at this time. I want to go out and fix the woes that ail this miserable planet tonight. Yet I am shackled by physics and reality, knowing the world will grow ever worse and more depraved. Its not fair that I cannot do more right now than type this menial blog at 3am, while still so much ails me. The mind spews forth answers and variables like a pinball machine ricochets, flippers trying valiantly to fling the ball that is headed straight down the middle, only to watch in disbelief as the ball goes down the drain. Misguided intuitions and clouded judgments.

What can be done? When the world seems all too much at this time and lurid dreams escape meaning, how do I continue? My brain seems to have absorbed like a sea sponge and an infant is squeezing the information slowly. Bright colors and muddled lines like impressionistic painting fill in the blanks to problems I don't have the answers for; all flair and no real solutions, quantum physics of a life feeling half lead. Drive on then and continue a loom of fabric only as big as my life while attempting to make that fabric join together with the rest of the world. Impossible, the scope is too big and broad for amateurs like myself to crack the rubic's cube that is life.

Feelings of despair wash over when the realization sets in that I still have 60yrs to go and I'm still running to catch up.
"Take a breather, sit back and relax" says my Brain.
"Are you f****** kidding me?!" replies the Soul. "There is so much at stake now and bar rises ever higher."
I feel like the Catholic Church trying to cope that it still exists in the 21st century, horribly outdated and yet clinging on for dear life. Trying to pretend that they are not as transparent as they really are. Continuing to spout the same answers that worked... Until now.

Hope and strength are stones that I cling to, attempting to ford a flash flooded river barreling out of control. Yet I feel the erosion... The water becomes sulfuric acid washing them away before my eyes. I slip and fall under wondering where exactly it all went wrong.
"What the hell happened!" screams Soul
"................" Replies Brain.

So what now?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Deep Down, You Know I'm Right

In the most free country in the world I find it interesting the blind acceptance of moderation, even though pandering to the middle is not what will get our leaders elected. This catch-22 scenario is leading this country to a lack of general leadership and long-term planning. This thought occured to me when I realized that the past leaders of this country were not only better men, but more volatile and passionate about this country. For better or worse, Teddy Roosevelt is a perfect example of this scenario. Once quoted saying during a visit to Paris:

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Think about this for a minute. What this quote means really. Our media is content to slam every leader daring to stick to an opinion or stance while praising the weak willed and politically disinfranchised. What happened to strong beliefs and desires in this country? Why are we so willing to accept mediocrity and moderation when we clearly do not desire so. The media spews forth fact patterns and statistics that are pre-packaged crap to make people to believe that canidate X is the right man for you because he/she is accepting of issue Y, but NOT issue Z. With as much flack Bush has taken in his years of presidency, and if he was really doing this bad a job why was he relected despite the media's constant slamming? Because Kerry was a weak willed no stance hack who would have been even worse. The fact is people wanted Bush despite his constant botching because he doesn't apologize for who he is and what he believes and deep down in the cockles of Americans, that is what we love. That is who we are, and if you can't respect that move to China.