Time flies!
So, the last year and one half was big. For those of you who thought I'd disappeared into the abyss forever; allow me to reintroduce myself.
I am Steven William Verre
I have Acute Myeloid Leukemia
In 5 days I will be receiving a bone marrow transplant thanks to my big brother. This will allow me to live another amount of indefinite years, hopefully somewhere in the 50-60+ range. This would bring me somewhere in the neighborhood of 75+ years on this planet. I could talk all day about this subject and I'm sure in future rants and speculations it will come into play... for now let's discuss even bigger events.
The president of the United States will be elected in less than 6 months! It seems politics brings me out from under my rock despite my complete and utter cynicism for it. But we had a big shake up this time around as you all know. A woman (white) and African-American male contending front-runners for the most coveted job in the world.
Today Hillary endorsed Obama for the presidency; officially ending the democratic party's race for a candidate. Did this just kill his chances for the election or unite the party behind a common goal? Time will give us the answer but if you ask this mind racer only one thing gonna happen in 08'. John McCain.
I hate to piss all over everyone's feel good happy happy joy joy fun, but reality is people would have elected Hillary over McCain, not Obama over McCain. A new term will be coined for his lose in November, The Silent Racist.
A similar effect to the Silent Majority. All of you thinking I am crazy, take note because Obama is going to lose in a landslide ensuring another 4 years of gridlock politics as the democrats take the majority of both houses.
I will be reporting back soon to dribble more sweet nothings into the ether of the Net' now that I am not under time constraints.
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